An anonymous complainant submitted a complaint against the operator of Chili’s Singapore, which closed down their operations abruptly recently..
In the complaint, the complainant wrote about the said operator still owes their employees outstanding salary and also CPF – Central Provident Fund is a compulsory employment based savings scheme with employers and employees contributing a mandated amount to the Fund.
The said business had suddenly came to an abrupt closure overnight without any prior notification or announcement.. To many diners, it came as a big surprise to them, especially those all-time fans of Chili’s..

Below is the text extract of the said post:
Belgarath investments Pte Ltd
Even CPF contribution stopped contributing after January, Salary for March still not paid for all the staff! 😡
How could they say close and suddenly close down!! Some of the staff even have worked for you for the whole 10years in Singapore.
Management is terrible! Please pay us our hard earn money.
Please help to like and share…
A visit to the official website of Chili’s Singapore, found this notice at the landing page, announcing the closure since 24th March 2019…

There is also an pop-up message informing those diners still holding their gift cards to redeem the operator’s other restaurant at Sarpino’s Restaurant in Singapore.

If the operator of Chili’s Singapore bothers to make prior arrangement to transfer the points of their gift cards to another restaurant, isn’t it a wonder why they don’t bother to pay them employees and make the necessary CPF contribution?
Stay tune for more updates!