A Singapore-registered BMW car was broken into at Johor Bahru, Malaysia, yesterday on 28 Oct 2019.
The reported location was somewhere at Gelang Patah, nearby to Restoran Chua Kee.
According to the Facebook post, 2 devices – an Apple iPad Pro and an iPad Air 2 were reported stolen, containing important Company information in it.
Despite several tries to scan the devices via Apple’s GPS location app, the owners are unable to locate the exact location of the stolen items, the last known location is somewhere near Jalan Sri Orkid in Johor Bahru.
The owner is offering RM$1000 reward to anyone who have any information leading to the missing devices.
Below is the original text of the Facebook post: (with contact number if found)
昨天我的新加坡客服户在 gelang patah 蔡记海鲜楼 Restoran chua kee 吃着晚餐 就被敲破玻璃窗 公事包里面有 ipad pro12.9 和 ipad air2被偷了 因为里面的公司资料特别重要 要是小偷都拿去卖 请大家多多留意 他出rm1000 只要托他时间等我们来 请大家帮帮忙分享 昨天手机最后的定位 是在 jalan sri orkid 资料太重要 谢谢大家感激感激 可以联系我 0106525529。

Below is the Singapore-registered BMW vehicle which was broken into..

Here is a screenshot of where the stolen devices are last spotted in the app..

We strongly recommend to all motorists to secure and kept out-of-view from vehicle’s exterior at all times, no matter where they park their vehicles, locally or overseas..