A member of “Complaint Singapore” sent us a video and some images of a white colour Singapore-registered car – SMN 5020 G, making a last minute right turn from the utmost left lane into “Paya Lebar Quarter” from Paya Lebar Link, without signalling, causing danger to other road users.
Source: John O. (*full name is masked for privacy concerns)
Inconsiderate Car Makes Dangerous Turn Last MinuteA member of "Complaint Sinapore" sent us a video and images of a white colour car – SMN 5020 G, making a last minute right turn from the utmost left lane into "Paya Lebar Quarter" from Paya Lebar Link, without signalling, causing danger to other road users. Source: John O. (*full name is masked for privacy concerns) (Witness Something Not Right or Wrong, & Wish to Stay Annoymous? PM to Us Directly (with Details, Image or Video), and We Will Help You To Share Them to Everyone! **Note: Subjected to Our T&Cs**) #ComplaintSingapore #Member #Submission #Inconsiderate #Reckless #SingaporeCar #Dangerous #TakeNote #BeConsiderate #Sharing #Video
Posted by Complaint Singapore on Thursday, 9 July 2020
The white BMW car – SMN 5020 G, was identified as the inconsiderate car making the dangerous turn..

According to section 64 of the RTA, anyone who drives a motor vehicle recklessly, or at a speed or manner which is dangerous to the public, is guilty of an offence, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.
Witness Something Not Right or Wrong, & Wish to Stay Anonymous?
PM to Us Directly to our FB Page (with Some Details, Image or Video),
and We Will Help You To Share Them to Everyone!
**Note: Subjected to Our T&Cs**