Wrong Photograph Published by Singapore Newspaper?

Someone posted a complaint claiming that his ex-helper’s photograph was wrongly published by a local newspaper in Singapore. In his post, he quoted a recent news article on a trial for murder of an employer by a domestic maid, whereby a photograph of his ex-helper was published. The complainant even presented some “evidence” by posting some of the old photographs of his ex-helper carrying his infant baby. So is this really a genuine mistake?? *Disclaimer: This complaint made by the author of the post is solely his sole opinion and…

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Faulty Singapore Money?

Someone recently posted a photograph online showing the inner silver colour round piece of a S$1 coin pop-up from the coin itself.. From the look of it, it doesn’t seems to be an act of mischief, as the edge of the said coin looks pretty “clean” and “untouched” by any tool.. Before our local monetary authority comes out with any conclusion about this post, let’s us have a view of various “faulty” Singapore currency online.. . A year “1967” 20-cent coin had a casting error due to a suspected wrong…

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