Lady Spotted Vaping On A MRT Train In Singapore

A member of our “COMPLAINT SINGAPORE” Facebook group sent us a video showing a lady vaping on a MRT train after Outram MRT Station, on 15 September 2021 at about 3.10pm. In the video, a lady was seen placing a device which resembles to an e-cigarette into her mouth and started inhaling. Throughout the video, she was also seen not wearing her face mask properly, which is an offence in Singapore. Source: KCW *Note: Identity is masked for privacy concern Under Section 16(2A) of the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and…

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Outrage of Modesty in MRT

A female passenger in a MRT train reported a case of outrage of modesty, whereby an unknown Chinese man placed his mobile phone under her dress, she then quickly grabbed his phone and asked the man what was he doing? The man then shown a black screen to the lady. Not convinced, the female passenger followed the man when he alighted the train, and asked him to show her the phone as she believed he had taken her photos or videos, the man denied and told her they could go…

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