A lady claiming to be the lady who wore too little during the recent news and media sensation..
She wrote in to our “Complaint Singapore” Official Facebook Page, and explained her side of the story, and even apologized for her attire. She then end the conversation claiming that she was “cyber shamed” because of this incident..
Her original post to us as follow:
Yes, this was me waiting in the ATM queue. I was not aware that somebody took a photo of me (I don’t personally know his purpose). I apologize if I offended any culture on this outfit, but, please understand that I do not have any obscene or malicious intention by wearing it. I am sorry if you think that this was an “indecent exposure” but, it was not my intention. To those people who are already hitting me below the belt and criticizing me of something, I respect you. You are already telling things which are too personal that is already outside of what you see in the picture. I was already cyber shamed, bullied and threatened by several people because of this.
PS. I was wearing shorts and nipple tapes during that time. Peace, mwah

So maybe we should stop criticizing and let time heal the wound?