Remember the ARTICLE featured in our “Complaint Singapore” website last month about the new bus stop’s benches causing a hazard?
Finally, the LTA – “Land Transport Authority” is ready to replace them with wider seats and arm rests too!

Quote (from The Straits Times):
“An LTA spokesman told The Straits Times on Monday that the wider seats provide for more stable seating while the arm rests would enable commuters, especially the elderly, to sit and get up more easily.
The new seats will replace the bum rests and narrow seats that have been in place for more than 15 years in bus shelters built under the design-build-operate model.”

“New wider benches with arm rest”
The original Facebook post from our Complaint Singapore member:

Sounds like a good move from LTA, hopefully this kind gesture won’t be one of the reasons to increase our bus fares in the near future.
To read more, please visit the original news article HERE .
*Courtesy of The New Paper