A member of Complaint Singapore Facebook group posted this complaint in regards to a rejection by SAF – “Singapore Armed Forces” (MINDEF – Ministry of Defense) for his application to sign-on as SAF regular army personnel, despite of him being physically fit.
According to the complainant, he was unable to find any decent job in Singapore, as he only have a GCE “N” level education certificate and a Class 3 driving license.
He also claimed he was fired from a driver job because the employer prefers a foreigner with higher education standard instead, despite asking for S$1000 per month salary only.
Below is the reply from SAF:

In his post, the said complainant find it hard to understand why Singaporean can’t help Singaporean, as no Singapore company wants to hire him at all…
Below is his original post:

Source: Complaint Singapore Facebook Group
Members of Complaint Singapore poured in their sympathy and provided positive encouragements..
Some even shared their experiences as well…

Is Singapore becoming a stressful country for decent Singaporeans?
What do you think can be done more to help these people?