An anonymous complainant had forwarded us an information about a popular Facebook group, covering traffic related issues in Johor Bahru, Malaysia..
In the said complaint, there seems to be a power struggle between the Administrators of the said Facebook group, to the extent that current Administrator was demoted to the role Moderator..
*Note: All names & identities are censored for the privacy of the individual and group.
The original post of one of the affected Administrator explaining the sad plight as follow:

The text extract of the original Facebook post for easy reading:
Sad to announce, the person whom I’ve appointed him as my Admin 2 yrs ago has turned his back on me. He says it’s a FB glitch that I was being removed as an Admin & was being kicked out as a member also by FB. He said it wasn’t him too! What say U?
Two years ago he had a few cases including insulting members of other grps. Ended up I hv to apologise to that grp’s Admin as he was my admin & he initiated to leave the Admin desk. Then, pleaded me & the founder not to remove him as Admin to save face for the grp. (I have all the proofs)
Coz he promised not to interfere in all the administrative work in the grp & promised to informed all the authorities that he will not represent XX XXXXXX in any event anymore. I trusted him so nothing has been done. But soon after, 2 mths ltr, he creeped into the grp like nobody’s business & back to the Admin desk. I put up with all his nonsense!
Even with the recent change of rules, there wasn’t any discussion with us 2 Admins at all. He has treated this grp as his own personal page & did what he like without respecting us seniors. I too put up with him!
Now, he has the cheek to remove me as Admin & blames it on FB? When I demoted him to moderator, he was not happy & has started to invite all of our member into a grp that has been dormant for years which I think he’s gona start his own grp with an excuse “membawang grp” to attract all our members against us XX XXXXXX. With this, I really cannot put up with him anymore ! Im sorry I hv to remove him even as the moderator.
When I took over as Admin, the grp was merely 13k members & it grew till today. I too acknowledges all his hard work & that’s the main reason why I put up with him for 2 yrs ! Yes, 2 yrs… even when he gila kuasa, DID ANY1 SEE ME INTERFERING?? Even many members PMed me to inform of them leaving the grp due to his arrogantness I still did not take any action.
Today’s situation was like e.g. U spotted a homeless person, U invited him into ur hse & let him stay in. Even having some issues like argument with ur family members u still did not do anythg, u let him stayed in. Even he suddenly changed d hse rules must be hm by 9pm else will lock ur family members out, U still tolerated. Until 1 day he changed d door lock w/out informing U & invited all his friends partying, do u still keep such a person in ur hse despite him helped out doing d hse chores at ur hse before? I’m sorry I won’t. Once bitten twice shy!
I don’t restrict any members that want to join him but for me, I wouldn’t want to follow a leader with no integrity & it’s such a BIG LIAR even with proof provided can twist & turn it around!
The purpose of this post is to inform that he has been removed as the grp Admin with proof screenshot dat’s all. Do not need to kutuk him. Evidences don’t LIE coz FB is not so smart to hv such a BIG GLITCH identified me as d admin, remove my adminship then detect me again & kicked me out of the grp with “wrong notification” sent out into the Admin activity folder.
Tq to those whom have stayed in this grp & let’s move on.
Below are the screen grab provided by the said Administrator (complainant), in which the role of Administrator was removed by another Administrator recently:

Here is the proof that the said Administrator (who removed the other Administrator) had created another new Facebook group as a “backup” and inviting current members of the existing group to join..

Here are the comments from their Facebook group members, in response to the said complaint post by the said Administrator..

it’s indeed sad to see such a power struggle and irresponsible actions by fellow Administrators of a Facebook group, especially from one that is reputable and well-established..
We sincerely hope the issues can be resolved soon, and the said Facebook group will continue to function and serves its members, and as well as keeping the members of public well-informed with the latest traffic conditions and other related matters in Johor Bahru, Malaysia!