An observant GrabHitch driver had spotted some dubious GrabHitch rider accounts recently..
In his Facebook post, he raised the concerns to fellow GrabHitch drivers, sharing his observation that some dubious GrabHitch rider accounts tend to put up suspicious rides from East to West and vice versa..
Even though the said driver had reported his suspicion to Grab call center, but it seems no action is taken yet. The driver then ended the post by advising all fellow GrabHitch driver to be careful when accepting such rides..
Below is a screenshot by the complainant, showing a series of dubious GrabHitch rides at around the same time within the Grab app for hitching service…

Here is the original Facebook post by the said GrabHitch driver:

..and here is the text extract of the original post for easy viewing:
Hi guyz, please be careful with these few riders if u decide to take them. Been monitoring for the past few days, they kept flooding the app with their journey from East to west and west to east. I suppose to be a prank ride. Reported to Grab but I guess they take me as a joke. No action is taken from them too. Guess they waiting for one of our driver to take up the ride to proof it a prank then they will do something about it. So be careful as of now when choosing rider. Good day ahead.
Below are the screen grabs provided by the said GrabHitch driver showing all the dubious GrabHitch accounts with ZERO GrabHitch ride:

So is this an act of mischief by pranksters?
Or is it another repeated episode of sabotage by another social transport app companies like what was reported previously by Ryde Singapore?
Read about the previous case of Phantom Booking H E R E.