As more Singapore events and bakeries are marketing their businesses online and via social media etc, it is therefore difficult to tell if the said operator is truly what they claimed to be..
Most of them resort to misleading tactics such as posting and paying for fake reviews, buying “Likes” or fake “Followers”, or even paying famous social media influencers to help them advertise their business to mass audiences..
Recently, an Events and Bakery company in Singapore was reported by many of its customers for conducting a scam in cheating customers to settle the full order amount upfront, and subsequently failed to fulfill the orders..
Despite many attempts to contact the operator, the operator avoided the customers and even issued several bounce cheques for refunds..
Note: All identities of individual and entities are censored for privacy and to protect the interests of all parties etc.




Below are some of the complaints posted online about the alleged scam:

Here is another complaint posted in Facebook too..

It seems after than cheating its customers, the said Event and Bakery company also cheated a logistics company as well..

When ordering anything online, it is highly-recommended to visit the said business in person, just to assess and make sure the said business is really in operations and legitimate..
Don’t be afraid, try talking to them and look out for any tell-tale sign of any false or dubious claims etc.
Before any payments (do ask for original receipts with the company name!), always conduct some research and do some homework.. This will surely decrease your chances of being scam or cheated etc…
Note: All identities of individual and entities are censored for privacy and to protect the interests of all parties etc.