One member of our Complaint Singapore Facebook group posted her situation recently..
In the said post, she wrote about she hired a helper about 3 months in her household, however one day, the said Myanmar helper felt unwell and she sent her to Singapore hospital and discovered that she had a dead baby in her and required immediate medical operation, which ended up leaving the member an exorbitant amount payable for the hospital bill..
She felt injustice for all helper’s employers, and the dilemma of such cases in general, as there are very little protection or help available when facing such situations in Singapore!
Below is the original post of the complaint:

Here is a text extract of the post for easy reading:
Who gonna fight for Employer?
3 months ago I decided to hired a helper to help me look after my baby and do house keeping so I can go to work earn extra money for my family. I paid $2500 to get the maid. She used to not to go out within two and half months after her loan finish. I think I too good already, I scared she feel sad and lonely, so I allowed her to go out every 2 weeks, give her use phone, buy her food she like, scared she hungry always reminds her eat, she also not bad to us, she know what she need to do and not lazy taking care good of my kids. Two and half months after she feel not well, we thought she is just normal sickness, we offer to bring her to see doctor but she refused, after a few hours her face turned white, she can’t even walk and start to vomit out of blood. My mother in law feel something not right so we called the ambulance brought her to General Hospital (even though we know the hospital bill will very expensive). BANG 💥 She need operation and the hospital fees up to 6 thousands. Sky seems like fall down in front of us. But for her life so we close one eye to sign up for her operation (as the doc told us, if 30 minutes late more she will die) and we also believe we can claim insurance . We still don’t know what happens yet, after the doc tell us she is pregnant for 1 months and the baby died inside. Sky fall second time, we have no hope on insurance, so on the spot the only hope we have is she can continue work with us to help us out. Now the MOM tell us she have to go back to her country and employer have to buy for her air tix. What is justice for us? To all the Employers? Now we only can tell ourselves is we are UNLUCKY. We hire miad doesn’t mean we rich? We hire maid cos we want to work to earn more. Now become we lose… 3 months for $9000+. And the Agent don’t care us too. We really don’t know who can lean on. So many rules for employer to care for helper, like must eat, must rest, must happy, must see doctor. So what is the rules for protecting employer?
Here is the “Inpatient Discharge Summary” of the helper:

The said complaint is also covered by local Mandarin newspaper too..

Here are some mixed responses pertaining to the said post:



Is it true that there are limited protections for helper’s employers for such cases?
Can the authority do more to help these people?
What do you think?