An anonymous complainant forwarded us a complaint against a particular local restaurant in Singapore.
Based on the Facebook complaint forwarded to us, it seems there was a lapse in their customer service, as complainant claimed the service staffs were unprofessional when handling their dogs, even thought the said restaurant is supposed to be “dog-friendly”…
At first, the complaint seems like a typical one-sided customer complaint/feedback, but what is very surprising is the manner how the said restaurateur posted in the official Facebook account subsequently..
Below is the original complaint forwarded to Complaint Singapore, and surprising comment made by the said restaurateur:

Here is the subsequent post (in relating to the said incident) from the restaurateur in their official Facebook page:
*Beware: It’s very lengthy…

Here is the FULL text extract of the original post of the restaurateur for easy reading:
Hey guys, we used to only offer great, unique food with good service n a pleasant ambience but now we also offer the following:
1.Less inconsiderate people
2. Even more hygienic environment (far less now of those who let their dogs poop n pee in restaurants)
3. Biased people who attack others based on lies without bothering to find out the truth
4. Self – entitled, no integrity people. You wouldn’t want to be seated next to one of them do you?
How do we do this?
By standing up for ourselves against unfair n untrue attacks.
Please read the review section. You will see many recent (n past) 1 star reviews. Many of these people may complain about the food n other matters but they haven’t even been here, so not sure how you can trust their review.
These reviews rate based on the customers’ side of the story but who will hear ours? Were they present? Do they know the whole story? Do they care?
And those who did come, were being unreasonable, unfair and just plain lied.
Where we were wrong, we acknowledged and made it up. It’s a bit hard to find but there are a few examples if you bother to scroll.
No, what they really didn’t like is to face business who stand up to their nonsense. Who tell them ‘no’, when it’s necessary.
Basically, they belong to the group that don’t like it when their ‘The Customer is King” n “The Customer Is Always Right” mentality is confronted.
These are the people who go out and make life unpleasant for every one else.
They expect business owners to give in to whatever rudeness n unfair demands they have.
How does a business set and maintain high standards if they just give in like that?
If business owners make a habit of giving in to these people, we can also give in and compromise our food standards, our hygiene standards and even our integrity. If that’s what you want, there are plenty of other places to go to.
But it’s really tough doing business, especially the fnb one and I won’t criticise other who compromise themselves. But I can’t bring myself to do that.
So, Jake, Koonliang, Cheryl and your obedient, loyal, unthinking friends, thank you for self-selecting yourselves from Pasta J.
Saved us a lot of trouble. Now we have more seats for decent customers.
May I also say how incredible it is that you don’t realise how you paint yourselves? Gang up on me will you? Now you look like the bullies! With all your identities revealed!!! OMG, you’re all so shortsighted!!!!!
I love these unfair reviews, especially those by fake accounts or the anonymous ones (oh those are the best, their credibilty is zero). They act as a filter for us and we really have been having less problematic customers. They also highlight the issues we face. I sometimes use them to show others the kind of people we deal with.
Every time I read one I laugh because you guys are ridiculous and now others can see it too!
Any right minded person reading the reviews can tell that it’s a biased vendetta by you and your friends and they’re not necessarily the truth. Well, if they bother to read more, they’ll know for sure it’s not the truth.
We have been fighting people like you and for our standards for years and we’ve grown stronger every time. Just this year alone, we grew by double digits year-on-year, every single month. AND WITHOUT DISCOUNTS AND PROMOTIONS, I MIGHT ADD. (Just the 20% off for a full bottle of wine*).
How many businesses can say that?
And its all because we focus on what’s truly important.
A word about our minimum spend. It allows us to seat real customers faster.
You see before we implemented it, people can make reservations and decide not to order. Or they can just come for drinks or desserts at peak hours. Then real customers who want to dine will have to wait.
Every rule implemented has a good reason behind and it is usually because people like you spoil market for every one else.
So, folks, you can come to Pasta J if you want to come to a place for great food and service, a place where we fight for our standards, food, hygiene or integrity. And we really do fight for them, as you can read.
You won’t be disappointed. Well, if you just based it on hearsay, you might……
On a side note, we realise our menu has a lot of amendments. Sorry if its harder to read but we’ve been consolidating upgraded dishes before we reprint. And we’re reprinting soon.
Eg. Our Green Curry Osso Buco is now Dorper Lamb w Green Curry.
Dorper Lamb is grain fed and is not gamey and totally scrumptious! We also serve it now with Tomato Marmalade that helps cool down the spice. The beef coriander rice is still served with it.
A smaller portion now but with higher quality ingredients.
All part of our constant efforts to improve ourselves.
Thank you.
Pasta J

Here are some immediate comments in relating to the restaurateur’s Facebook post, and also his responses to some of the comments:

So what do you think, is this a case of “Failed PR” (Public Relations) ??
Is customer always right?
Should their feedback or complaint be taken seriously?
Or do you think the said restaurateur had gone to far, and had taken the issue too personal..?