Many concerned Facebook users had reported a maroon colour Malaysia-registered saloon car frequently travelled between Malaysia and Singapore..
According to sources, the said motor car – BPD 7377 is a habitual lane-cutter and always spotted breaking traffic rules, turning a blind eye towards the law enforcers of both countries!
In this latest photograph posted by Facebook user, the said motor car was spotted cutting lane, ignoring the “double continuous white line” on the road, and cut across it arrogantly!

A close-up of the said errant car, can clearly see the plate number: BPD 7377

A quick check on TOPS – Traffic Offence Payment Systems, shows an outstanding of S$1,390 owed to Singapore Police Force, by the said car!

Upon more in-depth checks, the said car has many summon tickets since 2017, with the most recent one in Feb 2019, all relating to traffic offences from Singapore Police Force!

It is a wonder why such a habitual traffic offender is allowed to enter Singapore, and out on a regular basis?
Is the Singapore Police Force going to do anything about it?