An angry couple who work as courier forwarded their Facebook post of an incident with a staff of a store at Hougang Green, #01-39.
According to their post, the husband tried to deliver an “unpaid’ parcel to the said location. However the said “staff” wanted to open to inspect the content before payment.
As it was against the courier company’s policy, the husband refused.
Subsequently, according to complainant, the husband was pushed out of the said store, and even used vulgarity against him! Not only that, the said staff even lodged a complaint to the courier company too!
Here is the original forwarded Facebook post:

This is another add-on post with more description over the incident at our Complaint Singapore Facebook group:
My husband and i work under a courier service company. You really get all sorts of ridiculous customer while working in this line.
Apparently this customer pushed my husband just because my husband was following company’s protocol, customer wanted to open an unpaid parcel. My husband kindly told her that it cant be open until its paid. And she gave a f***ed up face and push my husband out of the shop saying she dont want the item anymore, even scold vulgarities at my husband.
We are kind enough to ignore this uncivilized human yet she got the audacity to make a complain to our company, trying to make us lose our job? She twisted her words saying my husband threw the parcel IN HER FACE which wasn’t true.
If this happen to you what would you do? As filing a report to the police all the will do is ask us to file a magistrate complaint LOL, very inefficient. She working at Hougang Green Shopping Mall, #01-39. Posting this to get advise if there’s anything we can do further and do avoid this salesperson when patronizing the stall. She might spoil your day with her lack of respect for ppl.