An owner of a Mazda convertible car got hit by a white colour Honda Vezel (which is PHV – Private Hire Vehicle) – SMM 9155 E, and upon the request from the PHV driver, both parties agreed on a private settlement.
However, after many round of disagreement on the costs of repair.. the Honda Vezel driver is no longer contactable..
The owner of the Mazda convertible is hoping anyone who know the driver of the Honda Vezel to contact him.
*If you have any information about the identity of the white Honda Vezel, please click HERE.

Here is the text extract of original Facebook post:
On 25 june 2019 7.45am, SMM9155E Honda HRV hit against my mazda rear.
He came out and apologies to me and request for private settlement. I agreed since he sound sincere, I also don’t want his insurance premium to rise or lose NCD because of the claim and I don’t mind not claiming vehicle replacement cost too.
Later on, I quote him the repair cost from the workshop, it was not agreeable. They asked if they could pay me some money, don’t repair and drop this matter. I told them no.
They asked for sourcing the bumper replacement and workmanship on their own, I rejected. I am afraid of replicate bumper or simple touch up on the repair. I told them since not agreeable, I have to go claim against their insurer instead.
Ever since then, owner of SMM9155E ignore my text message and calls. There is no reporting of this incident on their insurer as well. This cause me unable to claim against them. If anyone know the owner, please ask him be responsible and go settle this issue.
Here are some photographs posted by the Mazda driver of the accident: