A Facebook user posted a complaint about of a woman, believed to be of unsound mind, who deliberately bump into his daughter at Pasir Ris area, and as a result, the daughter suffered a scratch, which the complainant believed it to be done on purpose by the said woman.
After the Facebook user took a photograph of the woman and warned her that he will be posting her on social media, the woman left the premise shortly..
Note: All identities are masked to protect the privacy of all parties.

Here is a text extract from the original Facebook post:
This AUNTY purposely knocked into me and my gals twice and scratched my youngest gal hand from the bag of veggies she was holding today at Sheng Siong Elias Mall at 2pm+ today 9th March 2020.
1st time she was trying to cross over from our side and we gave way to her.
Then after she still made a ‘ze’ sound after giving way to her.
After that she started staring at us from another area at the fish corner.
2nd time she purposely walked past us and bumped into my 2 younger gals while on the other hand I already told the gals to move 1 side. AND STILL THIS AUNTY STILL PURPOSELY BUMPED AND SCRATCHED MY GAL HAND ON PURPOSE.
Parents pls do take note and tell your children to be aware of the people surrounding.
And this Aunty is unsound.
She was scared off after I said loudly that I had taken your photo and posted on social media.
Then after she was nowhere to be seen.
Pls beware of this Aunty at Pasir Ris area.