A member of our Complaint Singapore Facebook group had reported a Singapore-registered motor car – SJX 5943 B, is parking at the same loading bay lot near Blk 215A Compassvale Drive almost everyday..
Upon a quick check in TOPS – Traffic Offence Payment System, found the said vehicle have many outstanding offence notice tickets amounting to over S$2000 already.
Source: John O. (*full name is masked for privacy concerns)

In TOPS, it shows the said vehicle – SJX 5943 B have many outstanding notice tickets from various agencies such as HDB, LTA and URA as well..

The member also noted the said loading bay lot that the vehicle is parking have a CCTV camera being installed right in front of it, however it seems the driver of the said motor car is ignoring it..

Is the said driver being ignorant of the law, or is this another case of Using Fake Vehicle Plate by another vehicle parking elsewhere in Singapore?