An anonymous member of our “COMPLAINT SINGAPORE” Facebook group sent us a video to show a reckless ComfortDelGro taxi – #SHB4227G cut dangerously in a merging lane, and almost caused an accident, on 27 March 2021 at about midnight timing.
Source: G. (*name is masked for privacy concern)
In the said video, the in-camera vehicle was driving normally along a small road leading to CTE (Tuas) expressway.
Just when the double-lane road started to merge into a single lane, the said errant ComfortDelGro taxi from the back, started to speed up, and cut the in-camera car in a dangerous and reckless manner.

The member would like to raise awareness of such irresponsible and reckless driving habit of some errant taxi drivers.
Got any video or complaint to share anonymously?
Email Us at: complaintsingapore (at)