An anonymous member of our “COMPLAINT SINGAPORE” Facebook group sent us some photographs of a group of people infringing recent enhanced COVID19 measures in Singapore, by hanging outside and chatting loudly, playing card games and drinking beverages at the link bridge connecting between Blk 478A and 478B Yishun Street 44 on 22 May 2021 at about 10.30pm.
Source: F.X. (*identity is masked for privacy concern)

Under the recent enhanced COVID19 measures in Singapore, which is effective from 16 May to 13 June 2021, there are many new restrictions such as the size of group gatherings allowed will also be reduced from five people to two people.
First-time offenders who breach safe distancing measures are fined S$300, and second-time wrongdoers will be fined S$1,000.
Offenders may also face prosecution in court for egregious cases and higher fines if convicted.
New Enhanced #COVID19 Measures in Singapore Effective from 16 May to 13 June 2021 #TakeNote Source: CNA #ComplaintSingapore #Sharing #EasyToView #Singapore
Posted by Complaint Singapore on Friday, May 14, 2021
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