An anonymous member of our “COMPLAINT SINGAPORE” Facebook group, sent us a complaint about a bad delivery experience by a delivery rider from Grab Express.
According to the complaint, the member operates a small baking business and had engaged Grab Express delivery service to deliver some tarts to a client.
After collecting the tarts on 26 May 2021, and while delivering, the delivery rider sent a massage to the complainant and informed “that’s something off” with the tarts he was delivering.
At the end, the order was cancelled, and an official complaint was lodged with Grab Express, however they did not offer good assistance or rectification at all.
The member hopes to warn other small home-based businesses of the bad experience, and that they could be facing similar situation too.
Source: Sad Baker (*identity is masked for privacy concern)

Below is the original text extract of the original complaint sent to us:
I am writing in regards to an incident that happened yesterday (26 May 2021).
I hope to warn other small businesses using Grab Express service as there is no guarantee/warranty from Grab if the deliverer destroyed the item. This can result in business losses as well as reputation damages.
I own a small home bake business and engaged GrabExpress to deliver some tarts to my customer.
The tarts left my home as per this condition:
Almost an hour later the deliverer called me and was very shady.
He kept saying “there is something off” , I had to question him more than 5 times on what he meant by “off”. Finally he said he “overturned” my tarts. And my customer naturally rejected her order.
I was having my dinner and totally lost my appetite when this happened.
This was what he sent me: (*see screenshot)

So aside from handling a fuming customer that did not receive her order and is demanding for a full refund, I had to beg Grab to help me with the compensation which in the end told me that they are not liable for any compensation.
Deliverer was totally not apologetic, he did not apologise to me nor my customer for overturning and destroying our tarts.
I wanted to try and contact him to discuss on how we can share the cost or at least refund me the delivery fee (haha I am still charged $13.30 for the delivery fee and he still got his commission/quota).
I didn’t even have the chance to speak to him because he blocked me. Nice.
So I have to deal with an angry customer who is holding me 100% responsible, demanding for a full refund, blaming me for ruining her birthday surprise and Grab who is shrinking responsibility.
My customer rejected my offer to replace her a new set any time any day, or a partial refund.
I have not even talked about the time, money and effort spent baking these.
Now I understand why Singa resigned.
Have all kind hearted people extinct?
Yes Grab, but looking at how Grab deliverer destroyed my tarts, and Grab shrinking responsibilities, I can see how high Grab’s level of service standards they strive.
Conducting an investigation on the deliverer does not help me nor my customer at all.
I hope you can help by publishing this/ warning other small home based businesses that they could be face a similar situation.
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Email Us At: complaintsingapore (at)