One member of our Complaint Singapore Facebook group posted a complaint in regards to some employment agency in Singapore being greedy, and did not refund (at least) 50% of his worker’s money paid to the said agency for the job, after he was terminated in less than a month.
According to him, the said Vietnamese worker had borrowed the money from bank, in order to pay the Singapore agency, and without the money, it will be difficult for him to survive back home.
He ended the post asking for advise from everyone in the Complaint Singapore Facebook group.

The text extract of the original post as follow:
Hello everyone, I hope you guys will read my post and approve me to complain about some BAD Singapore employment agency I am working with.
I want to complain why some Singapore agency is very greedy and irresponsible. They receive too much money from foreign workers and when workers have problem, then agency will run away.
My worker came to Singapore and work under Spass, but after 1 month, my worker was terminated by the employer. As my knowledge, when worker is got terminated by employer, Singapore agency must refund for worker at least 50% on the amount worker paid to get the job.
But after only 1 month work there, and lost job, total my worker paid this agency is 4400 sgd, but now this agent did not refund my worker ant cents. To have this money to pay agency, my worker had to loan the bank, and if he lost all money, then how he can survive when he comes back to Vietnam. Why they act like that with human?
In the case thise agent don’t refund at all, what should we do to make a fair deal for my worker. Please advise me.
Thanks for reading my post. Any thing need to talk privately, you guys can inbox me to know more information.
My worker name is HO BA THUONG
And the agent did not refund him agency fee is BEACON EMPLOYMENT COMPANY
Below are the MOM documents the member posted:

Source: Complaint Singapore Facebook Group

Source: Complaint Singapore Facebook Group
There were mixed comments pouring out from the post..

Source: Complaint Singapore Facebook Group

Source: Complaint Singapore Facebook Group
What should the member do?
Will MOM – Ministry of Manpower investigate into such cases?
Are foreign workers working in Singapore being exploited and bullied by local-based agency?