A member of our Complaint Singapore Facebook Group posted this complaint about her friend rented a room to a local Chinese Singaporean female..
During her 7 months stay at the said room, the female tenant had created hell of a mess and did not bother to clean up the room!
The said tenant still owes an outstanding rental of S$660 and refused to settle it.. Not only that, she refused to go work and always confine herself within the said room..
Below is the original Facebook post:

Here is the text extract of the original post for easy reading:
My friend rent a room to a local chinese singaporean. This is how much a mess she make during her 7 months stay here. She left without cleaning it and still owe almost $660. She keep delaying and refused to work to return. Can stay whole day in the room playing wifi. What to do with this kind of person. Please give us some advise.
Below are some photographs posted by the complainant, showing the mess in the room!




Here are some immediate responses from the said post:

So what can the landlord do to such tenant from HELL ??
Is there anything else to do?