Someone wrote in her Facebook that she found some letters and parcels thrown in a “waste paper ditch” beside the letterbox..
Based on the photographs posted, these letters and parcels are likely not sent yet and tied with elastic bands into separate bundles, with some address to Tampines Street 83 area in Singapore.
Why is this happening again?

Text extract of the post for easy reading here:
Saw these letters/parcels belonging to various units being thrown at the wastepaper ditch at the letter box. Not sure what happened but for sure we have some lost parcels here. But fret not, these are in good hands with me. Singapore Post I am not redistributing these two stacks for you. Pls contact me to get your letters back and do a thorough investigation on what exactly happened.
Some photographs posted of the said found letters and parcels:



Some comments from the said post:

Is someone at SingPost going to investigate into this matter?
Are our local postal services getting out of hand?