Someone posted a complaint on Facebook, whereby a few unknown durian sellers came by complainant’s HDB unit and tried to sell them some durians..
Upon agreeing on the price of S$15 per durian, the sellers then opened some durians in front of complainant’s wife, however subsequently, the seller suddenly took out a weighing scale and claimed the durians are actually S$15 per KG instead, and even accused complainant’s wife of mishearing them, and demand payment!
Angered, complainant’s wife refused to pay and called complainant over the phone. Complainant then called the police.. However, before the arrival of police, the sellers left the premise and even claimed they will be coming back for payment later on..
Here is the original Facebook post:

In total, 4 containers of unpaid durians are left at complainant’s unit..

Below is the text extract of the said post for easy reading:
Some bastards came to our place today and tried to sell some durians to my wife for $15 per durian, claiming that it was MSW quality. My wife agreed to buy some from them and they started opening up the durians but before she knew it they told her that they had opened up 6 durians (surely these durians in the tupperware look like they came from 6 bloody durians) and wanted to charge her $15 per KG instead of per durian and insisted that she had misheard them. Next, they took out a weighing scale and wanted my wife to pay $385 bloody dollars – that’s 23kg worth of durians! Where is the rest of my durians?! Obviously my wife refused to pay and called me immediately and I followed up by calling the police. The durian bastards must have sensed that something was wrong and told my wife that they will come back for payment later when the husband is back. Mind you, all this while they were standing outside my door refusing to leave as they had already opened up the durians, with a knife in their hand. I was already in rage mode and was picturing myself smashing the durian shells into their face, but too bad those bastards never came back for their money or durians. It was then that the police informed me that even his own mother got scammed by these assholes.
Kudos to these fellas for making the effort to rig their weighing scale and coming up with such a creative scam. Dear family and friends, please take note of this and warn your close ones to stay vigilant and not fall prey to these durian scammers.
Be cautious of the these illegal durians or fruits sellers..
Since they do not have any registered business or shops in Singapore, in the event where there are arguments or even hygiene issues, you won’t be able to take actions against or locate them!