An angry mother posted a complaint in Facebook (and was shared in our Complaint Singapore Facebook group too) about her daughter’s bad experience with a PHV driver on 3rd February 2020, at around 10am.
According to her daughter, the said PHV (Private Hire Vehicle) driver at first drove her to nowhere, and at one point, demanded her daughter to sit in front with him, however she refused and insisted the driver to send her to school.. The driver then have no choice and sent her to school at the end.
A police report was lodged, and an official complaint was submitted to Grab Singapore as well.
More details at the original screen grab from the original Facebook post below:
Note: All identities are masked for privacy concerns.

Here is a text extract from the original complaint Facebook post:
To all young gals especially, please be careful when taking Grab alone! My daughter had met this indecent behaviour Grab driver who did not drive her to the destination but dead end of nowhere. He then asked her to sit in front of the passenger seat else he won’t drive. Driver almost got off the car but never after she scolded the driver and insisted him to drive her to school. She was lucky enough to escape from this “traumatised” incident. Please help to share, beware and be safe!
Reminder: Police officer in SG will not do anything about it if “Nothing” serious has happened. She can still ask my daughter (who was in shocked big time) some brainless question: “What is the purpose of your report” after she reported the whole incident to the police officer. Moreover Grab mentioned it was not the first offence this driver has made. Surely has past police record but well what can they do..
The above complainant’s complaint is solely her opinions and views, and does not represent Complaint Singapore in whatsoever manners or in any way, etc.
Here is the police report posted by the complainant:

Below is a screen grab from the Grab app: