Seems like our Singapore Customs are going all out against people bringing in “Face Masks” and “Sanitisers” via various Customs checkpoints in Singapore..

An online Facebook user posted a receipt showing that he was paid an unspecified tax (or duty) of S$25.20 for 7 boxes of face masks reportedly!
It is unknown if the said user had failed to declare the masks to the Singapore Customs, but it is clearly indicated on prominent signages, placed before the Singapore Customs Examination points.

Here is the text extract from the original post:
“Coronavirus and Law is the Law:
Recent Global Health Issue, mask is the main necessity, some countries hardly have any chance to buy masks. Helping each other is needed. For bringing 7 boxes of mask to Singapore, I had to pay tax S$ 25,,,, it is called “Law is the Law” with no mercy for Global Health Issue.”

A brief check in Singapore Customs official website did not indicate any new directives or regulations in declaring “Face Masks” and “Sanitisers” at the time when publishing this article.
As such it is likely that Singapore Customs are enforcing GST (Goods & Services Tax) payments for certain items due to large quantity being imported by individuals, during the current nCoV period, as mentioned in their official Facebook post HERE :
“In view of the current nCoV situation, travellers are encouraged to use the Customs@SG mobile and web application to make declarations and tax payments on their overseas purchases, instead of visiting the Customs Tax Payment Office in person. More information here:
For assistance, you can contact us via our online feedback form at”