A member of “COMPLAINT SINGAPORE” sent us a video showing a driver of a reckless van – GBH 9745 J, almost caused an accident at a traffic junction.
If the in-car camera driver did not react fast enough, this accident may not be avoidable..
The incident happened on 27 August 2020, evening time, near IMH, Buangkok Green Area.
Source: John O. (*full name is masked for privacy concern)
Under the Road Traffic Act (RTA), those found guilty of dangerous driving could face a maximum jail term of eight years for the first offence, up from the corresponding current penalty of five years.
Offenders will also face a minimum sentence of at least a year, if death or grievous hurt is caused. The jail sentence will be doubled for repeat offenders.
The courts will also be able to impose a minimum disqualification period of eight years if there was death or grievous hurt.
As for careless driving, those convicted may face up to three years’ jail for the first offence, with sentences for repeat offenders doubled.
Source: The Straits Times