An online user posted a Facebook complaint about Blk 682 Hougang St 61 Broadway Coffeeshop, where she spotted one female staff washing the floor mop inside a washing basin area.
The user claimed the washing basin is the same common basin that was used for washing hands and other utensils (such as drinking cups and glasses) for serving to customers.
According to the user’s post, she approached and questioned the said staff, but but her reply was: “This was our common practice, we do this everyday. We wash our floor mop here in this basin..” and she shouted at the user to delete the photographs that were taken.
The user also contacted the Manager-In-Charge of the said coffeeshop, but he claimed that he was busy..
(*Note: All information is masked for privacy concerns)

Here is the original Facebook post text extract”
**I would like to Bring attention to all people**
Singapore Food Agency (SFA)
National Environment Agency (NEA)
Ministry of Health, Singapore
8视界新闻新加坡 8world News
Blk 682 Hougang St 61 Broadway Coffee.
Female Staff was seen washing floor mop inside hand wash/cup washing basin area.. It’s the same common basin that was used for food/hand/coffee cup washing. 🤢🤢🤮🤮
I approached her and asked but her replied was : This was our common practice, we do this everyday. We wash our floor mop here in this basin and she shouted at me to delete the photos that were taken.
XXXX Ang (Manager-In-Charged) was called upon to handled the current situation but his response was that he was not free at the present moment. 🙄🙄
**Seems that hygiene was not the top priority for Broadway Coffeeshop

This case was forwarded to NEA and SFA by the user, pending investigation and outcome.