A member of our Complaint Singapore Facebook Group had reported to us a suspected phishing “SPONSORED” advertisement post in Facebook, trying to imitate a local bank in Singapore.
At first glance, the Facebook post looks like a normal “SPONSORED” advertisement, claiming the said local bank is having a “campaign” for iPhone at an attractive promotional price.
Source: Kent N. (*full name is masked for privacy concerns)

When a unsuspecting person click on the “APPLY NOW” button at the bottom of the said Facebook advertisement post, it will directly link to a dubious website with a web address that is not related to the actual local bank.
Once a person enters their personal bank credentials, their information will be captured by the doubtful party, and may use the data for theft or cyber-related crimes etc.
The member had since reported the said post to Facebook, pending their action.
The member would like to spread this information to everyone, so as to avoid anyone in giving personal details to such phishing sites and scam.
“Phishing is a cybercrime in which someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details or passwords.”