A member of our Complaint Singapore Facebook group had posted a case of inconsiderate burning of religious incense papers and offerings at a “non-designated” area or manner.
Looking at the photographs posted, it seems that the people are burning religious incense papers and offerings at the driveway of the carpark, right beside a stretch of cover drainage.. without any form of floor protection or containers etc.

According to the complainant, it seems he had lodged a complaint with the “authority”, but no action was taken..
The original post message as follow:
12am and these ppl still happy happy burn anywhere they like. And the authority simply refuse to take action. Till a point i so angry i burn my rubbish anywhere i like

There was no sign of any special containers, which is provided by the Town Council for the purpose of burning of incense papers and offerings.
Below is the original post from our Facebook group.

Some heated comments generated from this post, and the complainant’s replies.

A quick check on HDB website shows clearly that burning of religious incense papers and offerings should be performed in “burning bins” provided at the building (or flats)’s external areas..
So is this a case of inconsideration neighbors or just a lack of the designated “bins” for the said religious ritual?