Recently, the local newspaper reported a news: (*click link for actual article)
“Lower rentals and all halal food at Geylang Serai Hari Raya Bazaar this year“
In the article, it reported that for this year’s Geylang Serai Hari Raya Bazaar, certain improvements will be made to lower the rentals and have all halal food stalls..
However, a complainant wrote a post in response to the article saying it’s not entirely true, as he operated a food stall at the bazaar for years.. he then continued to explain how successful bidder sublets to others and even Chinese operators, and therefore, rental are extremely high and un affordable for normal Muslim operators..

The text extract of the original post as follow:
This all not true. I am a food vendor from many years. We have been struggling from so many years and rental is always killing us. Their is no such thing of lower rental. The companies get the space for bazaar are subletting to other people and to chinese Organizer again and the prices are very high. Malay village last last year the price of a kebab stall was 1500 to 18000. Last year the orange company took and give to ivan ho and he charge 45000 for kebab stall. This year also ivan ho took and now he selling 4 shop spaces for kebab and each he is
asking 35000+. What should ppl do? Dont trust me call call him 9xxxxxx. As we vendors give up and many left businesses bcz we cannot make it and only these ppl make money even though its our religious festival.
Is this true?
What can be done to make rentals more affordable for genuine operators?