A Grab customer posted her unpleasant experience with a JustGrab driver recently.
In the nasty post, she claimed that she waited for 24 minutes for the Grab car to arrive, according to her, the driver is only 1km away from her location..
After she boarded the Grab car, she blasted her unhappiness to the said driver and there were some exchange of “harsh words” between both parties. Subsequently, the driver drove back to the lobby of the pickup location, and drop off the passenger, and uttered some vulgarity before leaving, according the said passenger.

Below is the original post in Facebook:

The original post details here:
Grab, please get your shit together already. xxxx xxxx xxx took 24 minutes just to pick me up even though the app prescribed an approximate 9-minute wait. Tried calling him, but he refused to answer. If he has to take 24 minutes to drive 1KM, he’s not really a driver now, is he? If he couldn’t arrive on time, the responsibility is on him to cancel the ride, instead of keeping me hanging!!!
When xxxx xxxx xxx finally arrived, no apologies or explanation whatsoever. I expressed my displeasure of having to wait in the rain for so long and he had the gall to do the “SO DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THIS TRIP OR NOT, IF NOT HAPPY I CAN CANCEL” Grab driver nonsense. I didn’t, for one second, take his bullshit and told him to STFU and drive. So he drove off begrudgingly, but decided to stop at the road side when I called to my appointment to say that I was on my way. Apparently, it is perfectly fine for Grab drivers to blatantly eavesdrop on their passengers’ conversations. He wasted more time by stalling the car to yell at me for not being “happy” and threatening to end the ride. Yes, I’m using the word “threatened”. Who is he to play God and decide that I’m at his mercy?! Bear in mind that this all happened when it was raining heavily, so if he were to end the ride, it would mean that I had to get off at the roadside – in the rain.
Finally, he did the “magnanimous” thing – nope, not by apologizing for ruining my Grab ride experience – but heading back to my lobby to drop me off in the shelter. Needless to say, his yelling continued. He told me he didn’t want to earn my money and ordered me to get out of his car.
So let me get this straight – your driver, xxxx xxxx xxx , wasted a good 30 minutes of my time AND as a solution, I’m supposed to call another Grab?!?!
Then of course, he starts playing victim, stating I was unreasonable, disrespectful, didn’t bother to find out what really happened to him ETC… Sorry – I didn’t know I married your driver!
Last I checked, I was threatened to be dropped off at a road side in the rain, so who’s being unreasonable here?! Your driver disrespected my time by arriving late then disrespected me with his take-it-or-leave-it attitude. Also yelling at me nonstop while I was on the phone and playing the victim, just because. I asked for an explanation, and he just told me to shut up if I wanted him to complete the trip. Subsequently, this vocab-starved moron shouted a bunch of “fuck you’s” and “fuck off’s” when I gave him a piece of my mind.
So it is ok for drivers to waste our time and tell us to get lost, but we get charged if we are more than 3 minutes late?! Get your shit together, get your drivers back from Gojek already and give them the incentives they deserve!
The screenshot provided from the real-time map in Grab’s App clearly shows that the driver is within close proximity to the passenger’s location

Based on the story posted, who is the party at fault here?
What do you think?