An angry complainant submitted a post in Complaint Singapore Facebook group.
In the post, she wrote about her unpleasant visit to a local bank in Singapore, whereby she was rudely “referred” to call the bank’s hotline, when she just wanted to clarify some doubts with the said customer service personnel.
Below is the original Facebook screenshot:

The Facebook original post is here in text:
Today I went to UOB branch at Taiseng to enquire about an application form for my company. I am quite aghast by the service attitude of Ms Agnes Teo who served me at counter 1.
1) At the counter, the staff didn’t even bothered to listen to my question properly and start telling me that they can’t give my company information. (I didn’t even ask about my company information).
2) I tried to told her that she didnt understand my question and when I tried to ask her more detail about the application form, she said in an annoyed manner, “isn’t the form written very clearly already?” She was so loud that everyone turn over and look at us.
Basically the reason why I took my time to the counter to ask is because i would like to double confirm that the form is correct for my application. (May I know what is wrong with this?)
3) Before I could carry on to ask my question, the staff immediately gave me a customer service hotline and ask me to call that number.
4) I told her I haven finish asking my question, she just say “thank you” This make me feel like she don’t want to serve me anymore.
I understand that when doing customer service you will meet alot of people and some might be unreasonable and you might be annoyed or angry. But I would like to say, please be professional about this. Because being the customer facing personnel, you also represent UOB.
今天我去uob taiseng branch时,我有点对counter 1 Ms Agnes Teo的服务态度有点惊讶
1)当我去counter时,没听清楚我要的问题,就说我没办法给你知道公司的事 。(我根本没想要问他公司的事),我就直接好声好气的说,你没听清楚我要问的问题,就说了很多我不想知道的事情。
2)当我再仔细问时,她却说”form不是有写到很清楚吗” (我花时间特地去你们的柜台目的就是要double confirm 是否用对的表格,为什么这样也不耐烦)。
这时因为大婶说话很大声,所以每个人都望过来counter 1 这里。
3) 我还想继续问,结果,她直接写客服电话号码给我 ( 我明白了,就是叫我不要多问!)
4) 我还没说我问完了,她却先跟我说谢谢??我强烈感觉她不想serve我。
其实,我想在此请做服务业的人要明白,服务业会遇到很多不同的顾客,或许你受过什么气,请你专业点,也体面点。因为你是代表 UOB
Members of the group offered mix opinions and comments on the post..

Is our local bank’s customer service deteriorating now?
Should banks in Singapore maintain higher standard of customer service to its customers?