Unreasonable Grab Driver?

A member of Complaint Singapore Facebook group posted this complaint in regards to a rude Grab driver who reprimanded her for being late (within the 5 minutes grace period), despite her apologizing several times when boarded the Grab car. She then shared how the said Grab driver almost hit a e-scooter rider as he failed to slow down his vehicle.. Below is her actual Facebook post sharing the bad experience: . Below is the original post in Complaint Singapore Facebook Group: First, I have to apologise that it is my…

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Foreigners VS Foreigners in Botanic Garden, Singapore

An online complaint was posted via Facebook, asking people to share and look out for a male foreigner who had assaulted complainant’s friend about 2 weeks ago at Casa Verde restaurant, located in Botanic Garden, Singapore. Although police was activated on the said day, the assailant left the scene before police arrival.. . This is the 1st post by the complainant: This is an extract from the 2nd post from the complainant: I am trying to identify this young man who assaulted someone I know. Here is a video of…

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Rude Customer Service from Singapore Bank?

An angry complainant submitted a post in Complaint Singapore Facebook group. In the post, she wrote about her unpleasant visit to a local bank in Singapore, whereby she was rudely “referred” to call the bank’s hotline, when she just wanted to clarify some doubts with the said customer service personnel. Below is the original Facebook screenshot: The Facebook original post is here in text: Today I went to UOB branch at Taiseng to enquire about an application form for my company. I am quite aghast by the service attitude of…

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Looking for Hitch & Run PMD Rider (Pasir Ris Drive 1)

A frantic online search is now on, looking for a male Chinese person who was involved in a “Hit & Run” accident on his PMD – “Personal Mobility Device” with another PMD rider, along Pasir Ris Drive 1, on 16th March 2019 The accident video is as follow: Source: SG Road Vigilante . A public announcement posted by PRAS – “PMD Retailers Association of Singapore“, appealing for information about the said errant PMD rider, draw lots of viral attention within the social media: HIT AND RUN – HAVE YOU SEEN…

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Tough to be a Coffeeshop Owner in Singapore?

An online post by a Singaporean coffeeshop owner went viral recently… The coffeeshop wrote that he will be winding up his last and final coffeeshop operating in Singapore, and shared his experiences, such as tough work and long hours.. He also shared his story of being scammed by 2 business partners, and went through lots of issues when operating his coffeeshop business due to the sour partnership… Plus some insights into some unknown secrets of the coffeeshop industry in Singapore. Below is the actual Facebook post: This is the original…

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Summoned for Head-In Parking?

An online Facebook post shows a car being issued a parking “summon” (Parking Offense Ticket) for parking “HEAD-IN” in a Singapore public carpark lot. According to the Parking Offense Details, it indicated the offense is “Parking Against Traffic Flow“. . The said Parking Offense Ticket also indicated a fine of S$50 to be payable by 19 March 2019. . Upon close examination, we discovered the said car was parking slightly out of the designated lot marking, which may cause some form of obstruction to other road users. . It seems…

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Fit Singaporeans Rejected To Sign-On As Regular in SAF

A member of Complaint Singapore Facebook group posted this complaint in regards to a rejection by SAF – “Singapore Armed Forces” (MINDEF – Ministry of Defense) for his application to sign-on as SAF regular army personnel, despite of him being physically fit. According to the complainant, he was unable to find any decent job in Singapore, as he only have a GCE “N” level education certificate and a Class 3 driving license. He also claimed he was fired from a driver job because the employer prefers a foreigner with higher…

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Discrimination Against Handicap by Bus Driver?

A wheelchair-bound complainant posted her unhappiness on Facebook, in regards to her ride on a 858 SMRT public bus recently. According to her, the said bus driver, when lowering the wheelchair ramp kept questioning her why she never take the 911 bus before his bus arrived.. as both buses are heading the same directions too. Due to that, the complainant felt humiliated by the substandard treatment by the said bus driver, and even wrote to local newspaper and media agency, including SMRT as well.. Below is the content of the…

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Poor Customer Service at Foreign Embassy Based in Singapore?

A member of our Facebook Group – Complaint Singapore posted his unhappiness in regards to a particular foreign embassy based in Singapore. According to him, not only the customer service rendered was utterly poor, the counter staff was rude and even shouted at him when he posed some questions. According to the review rating on Google on the said embassy, it got an overall rating of 2.1 only, out of 63 reviews online. A quick view on some of the online reviews submitted revealed lots of serious service lapses by…

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Who Is At Fault Here, Grab Driver or Passenger?

A Grab customer posted her unpleasant experience with a JustGrab driver recently. In the nasty post, she claimed that she waited for 24 minutes for the Grab car to arrive, according to her, the driver is only 1km away from her location.. After she boarded the Grab car, she blasted her unhappiness to the said driver and there were some exchange of “harsh words” between both parties. Subsequently, the driver drove back to the lobby of the pickup location, and drop off the passenger, and uttered some vulgarity before leaving,…

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